Sunday, April 14, 2013

Unexpected Family and Friends

On Monday we both signed off on our Apprentice book and went home a little early.  We started the new Journeyman book on Tuesday morning and are excited to start on our new training which will go further into British research and then we'll learn how to do research in Ireland and Scotland.
Tuesday was our "half day" so we were able to go to the Temple. As we were walking back home we saw the Oscar Meyer Mobile parked in front of the conference center and couldn’t resist taking a picture.  (They were a little behind schedule as the conference crowd was all gone on Monday morning.) 
The "WeinerMobile"
We didn’t get the snow today that was forecast but the temperature dropped and with the wind chill factor it was in the high 20’s. Needless to say we brought out the heavy winter coats again..

We attended a class Tuesday night where we learned to add photos and stories to the Family Tree in Family Search. It has been so fun to learn how to do the tasks that make genealogy more exciting.  We have attached a few pictures into our “tree” and if you go there and click on the individual person you can see the picture. Log in to and create an account if you don't already have one; after you're at the site select the Family Tree - one of the choices across the top. After you bring up a pedigree chart and click on an individual you will see a menu that includes "view person."  When you do that you will see the picture of that person.  You will not be able to see pictures of live persons.

A friend that we knew when we lived in San Diego, Steve Wright, came to the British Floor to see us today; we hadn’t seen him since we moved from there in 1976.  He works at the library on the International Floor and we had recently reconnected on Facebook. We knew he and his  wife, Linda, and their family when we were in the same ward in San Diego from 1971 - 1976.

Byde, Steve Wright, and Pam
The tulips and other flowers on Temple Square are in full bloom; it's almost like they leaped out of the ground to make the grounds extra beautiful for the conference crowd. The tulips in the next two pictures are on the east side of the Visitor's Center.

Beautiful Tulips outside the Visitor's Center on Temple Square

Byde and Pam 4/11/2013
The blossoms on the trees behind Byde and I are a beautiful light pink although they look almost white in the picture.  While we were here having this picture taken Byde's nephew and his wife, Greg and Robin Horton, walked onto Temple Square after she had just asked Greg if he thought they might see his Uncle Byde and Aunt Pam.  They drove from Idaho to hear the same lecture that we were going to about the life of  Apostle, Bruce R. McConkie. Greg said that he had always had a great respect for apostle McConkie, and the "Men and Women of Faith" lecture series that night was "Bruce R. McConkie: A Special Witness, given by his son, Joseph Fielding McConkie.  We all enjoyed the lecture and learned greater insights into the life of Elder McConkie from the perspective of his son.  There was a question and answer period at the end of the lecture and there were several interesting comments Brother McConkie made.  He was asked if his father had a sense of humor to which he gave a long pause and answered by saying, "does any boy think his father has a sense of humor?"  The crowd enjoyed a good laugh from the comment.

Another question was asked about a special time in Viet Nam when Joseph was a chaplain there and in charge of a conference for military personnel. They were expecting Elder Ezra Taft Benson to come visit  and speak at the conference but at the last minute they decided that it was too dangerous for Elder Benson to make the visit based on his previous position as Secretary of Agriculture.  Consequently Elder Bruce R. McConkie and Elder Benson traded assignments and Elder McConkie walked in to the conference to see his son at the front conducting. Joseph had no idea that his father would be there and when Apostle McConkie entered the room he walked straight to the front and embraced him which Joseph said was a most tender moment for both of them.

Greg is the Bishop in his ward in Idaho and he mentioned that a young man from his ward, Elder Perkins, had just reported to the same mission we're serving in and will be in our Branch. We were able to make contact with Elder Perkins and deliver a treat to him from his Bishop.
Byde & Pam; Robin and Greg Horton

The Stream that runs along the south side of the Conference Center on N Temple

On Friday night we were privileged to attend a "Temple Square Performance" that was held in the Assembly Hall featuring Glori Naylor, lyric soprano; Dave Hill, baritone; Natalia Naylor Yates, harp and soprano; Bonni Hobbs, piano; and James Prigmore, piano.  It was "A night of vocal and harp performance including favorites from beloved musicals such as Les Misérables,  Phantom of the Opera, and Fiddler on the Roof. Les Misérables and Fiddler have been two of our favorite musicals beginning with the first time we saw Les Mis in New york City with Tevye played by Zero Mostel.  Dave Hill's baritone rendition of the Les Mis numbers was fantastic.

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