Sunday, May 19, 2013

Hail and Farewell

Until we get through with our training, I'm afraid our blog is going to sound like a broken record. Our daily schedule is pretty routinely to the library at 7, lunch at noon, and home about 4.  If it's a warm day we either walk home and fix lunch, take our lunch and sit on a bench at Temple Square or City Creek Mall, walk to the Lion house or somewhere else close by; if it's too cold, we just eat in the lunch room on the 3rd floor of the library.

Our youngest daughter, Julie Fischbeck, had a corporate training for "Let's Play Music" in Draper (just south of Salt Lake City) this weekend so we were able to spend a few hours with her and enjoyed a nice visit including a yummy lunch at the Lion House including their famous Lion House Rolls.

Joseph & Emma Statue on the north side of the Administration Building

In front of the Lion House Pantry where we had lunch

Once a month in our Branch we have a "Hail and Farewell" to welcome the incoming missionaries and say goodbye to the ones that are going home.  On Monday night this week we had that activity which this month in addition to the missionaries honored our Mission Presidency who are being released the end of June.  One of the sisters in our branch wrote a cute poem to honor the Presidency for their service and addressed them as royalty over all their loyal subjects and also presented each of them with a crown and a gag gift. The President of our mission is Wayne Peterson and his counselors are President Eckel and President Sessions.  Some of you know the Eckels as they are from Lakeside, Arizona; they previously served in the Snowflake, Arizona Temple.

President and Sister Peterson

L to R Sister & Pres Eckel, Sister & Pres. Peterson, Sister and Pres. Sessions

Mission President and young elders preparing to sing "Called to Serve Him."

Last but not least I'll include a description of the British Floor (B2) where we serve and what our "job description" includes.


Records and information for England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Channel Islands, and the Isle of Man are located on the B-2 level of the Family History Library. Missionaries assist patrons who are doing research in these countries. They assist patrons using the computer desktop, Internet services, basic sources, research problems, books, maps, fiche, and films. They also serve as team members with various projects and special assignments.

The British Reference Zone is also home to missionaries who work with the medieval sector providing service by researching and organizing medieval records. They develop, maintain, and make available the Medieval Families File (with temple ordinance data when completed) for selected individuals who lived before 1500.

Included in this zone is the Photo Duplication center. These missionaries receive requests for information from patrons living in all areas of the world either by mail, phone, e-mail, or FAX. Every effort is made to locate the sources provided by the patron, verify its accuracy, make photocopies, and assemble the material for mailing back to the patrons

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