Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Martin Harris Pageant in Clarkston

We went to the concert in the park on Tuesday night and heard "Ayllupura" a South American and Andean Folk music group. We enjoyed the concert.  There will be another Andean Music Concert in the Tabernacle on December 6.
The Group - Ayllpura
I was so surprised as I walked east on North Temple to see that all the trees on the west side of the conference center are already wrapped with Christmas lights and it's still August!! The cherry pickers are parked all around Temple Square as the workers are busy getting the lights up.  I'm so excited to get to see them; I've always wanted to come to Temple Square in December so I could see the lights.

 I must brag about the great weather we are having here in Salt Lake right now.  The days are warm but at night it's getting cool enough for a jacket and it feels absolutely WONDERFUL.  I keep thinking about our friends and family in Arizona and know that you are ROASTING right now.

Black and white day for 4 sister missionaries
Apparently it was black and white day for the British floor on Thursday because 4 of the missionary sisters came to work in a combination of those colors.

We took a little road trip on Saturday to Clarkston, Utah to attend the  Pageant called, "Martin Harris - The Man Who Knew." (It was about a 2-hour drive). Our trip included a stop to see the Temple in Brigham City which happens to be right across the street from the Brigham City Tabernacle.  They were both such beautiful buildings.  We learned that the Tabernacle actually burned and had to be rebuilt. 

Brigham City Temple
Sign in front of Brigham City Tabernacle
Front view of the Brigham City Tabernacle

Podium in the Brigham City Tabernacle

Brigham City Tabernacle

Side view of Logan Temple
Logan Temple
Logan Temple Window

Clarkston is a community of about 660 people that is about 20 miles North of Logan.  There are no grocery stores, gas stations, nor any fast food in Clarkston. The townspeople put on an evening meal for $8 per person (kind of a captive audience) prior to the pageant.  We learned as we visited with the local residents that all the proceeds from the dinner are to build a Civic Center for the town. They use the old Chapel that is there in Clarkston since they have no other place to use.  The Chapel is 100 years old, has an elevator, an upstairs and a basement, quite an interesting building.
Smiley face handstamps - (ticket to get in for the dinner)
Cultural Hall all set up ready for the meal

Servers at the dinner

REAL mashed potatoes and gravy with roast beef, salad, corn, a roll and berry pie - YUM!!

Fellow missionaries from Salt Lake
Martin Harris settled in Clarkston and lived out his life with a son there.  The cemetery has a giant gravestone dedicated to him. 

Cemetery where Martin Harris's Grave is - Pageant is on this hill

A full house for the Martin Harris Pageant
Lucy Harris is in the Red Dress
Young Man who portrayed Joseph Smith

Byde placed a call to the Shreeve home and walked over and put it to Sister Shreeve's ear to say hi to her dad. It was a pleasant surprise for both of them.  Her companion kept looking at her to see if she was going to cry as she spoke with her parents. It was fun for both of us to recognize each other far from home.
Members of the Cast
Bishop Shreeve's daughter is serving in Clarkston
We  first saw Sister Shreeve at the dinner and then she was "working" at the Pageant.
3 young girls in Pageant
See all the dust - the wind was blowing as hard as it does in Snowflake!!

The Church provided sound equipment and lighting for the pageant.  Originally it was done by the Town but has become such a big production that the LDS Church now produces it.  It was very professionally done and for the 2013 showing of 9 performances they had over 38,000 people attend.  The Pageant will not be produced again until 2015 as they only have the performance in the odd years.

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