Sunday, November 3, 2013

Happy Halloween from Michigan!

Couldn’t resist the opportunity to include a picture of our beautiful granddaughter who is serving a mission in Lansing, Michigan. She began her mission the same time we started in Salt Lake. Apparently she was involved helping with a Ward Halloween party when someone took this picture of her.
We had a social on Thursday, Halloween night in the social room in our apartment building. Some of the missionaries brought candy and there was a group of primary children that came through to show off their costumes and collect some candy. In addition to the missionary ward that is in our building there are some "normal" wards that do have children. It was the children from one of those wards that came to our building.

Our cultural activities have slowed down a bit but there are still concerts held on Friday and Saturday nights in the Assembly Hall. On Friday night we were treated to the Griffiths Family entitled "Families Making Music" which was a delightful concert. On Saturday night the concert was by a community choir from Idaho Falls, Idaho.

Griffiths Family
As you can see from the pictures below, fall is in her glory and the colors in Salt Lake are beautiful right now. Over the last month we have had a few rather cold days but for the most part it has been very mild fall weather. According to the weatherman I expect that will change this coming week as the prediction is that we will having freezing temperatures on Tuesday night. Historically the average high temperature in Salt Lake during the month of November is 49° with a low of 30°.

Liberty Park

Liberty Park
Liberty Park
Liberty Park

Liberty Park
Liberty Park

Liberty Park

Picture taken on our street downtown Salt Lake  
Sunday, November 3, 2013 - From our back window - first snow
Not sticking but the snow is coming down
Last but not least from the Spoken Word Sunday morning by Lloyd Newell:
"Recently, a mother's five children penned 'A Love Letter to Mom' to honor her at her passing in her early 90s. They published their letter in her obituary in the local newspaper. One did not have to know this beloved mother to appreciate the simple but profound truths her children learned at her knee over the years. They reported that from their mother they learned:
To love fiercely, and tell people before it's too late.
To be loyal, always.
To enjoy life - one bite at a time.
To laugh easily - with others and at yourself.
To be generous with your time money, and heart.
To love yourself.
And to never forget that God adores you.

What are the lessons, example, and wisdom we hope to leave as a legacy of our lives? Of everything we can leave to our loved ones, virtues like love, generosity, and loyalty - recurring themes in this "love letter" are what they will remember and cherish the most. Such virtues make up the legacy that our children and grandchildren will carry into the next generations."

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