Sunday, July 28, 2013

Days of '47 in Salt Lake City

Myrona, Jocie, Ashlyn, Tommy, & Heber
 This week it was celebration time in Salt Lake City as it was "Pioneer Days" and time to celebrate the arrival of the Saints to "The Valley." There is always something fun to do here and this week was no exception with rodeos and parades in different cities around the Valley and the big parade in downtown Salt Lake. We had our grandchildren here from Ohio and that made watching the parade all the more fun. There was one of the groups getting ready for the parade on the street outside the apartment building. When we went out to see the horses, the young man with them brought one of the littler horses over for the kids to pet.
The day before the parade these Fuller grandchildren went to Heritage Park and were getting the to ride the horses there. The redhead you see in the picture asked his Mom if the horse was a boy horse or a girl horse and when she told him it was a girl horse, he refused to ride it!!??

Pres. Uchtdorf and his wife were the Grand Marshal

The Clydesdales are big and beautiful (look closely and you'll see a Dalmation sitting on the Stagecoach)

A sampling of the floats

Chris and Myrona left after the parade as they were headed on to Arizona for a wedding of Myrona's sister. Wednesday afternoon our granddaughter, Meg Fuller, who was returning to Arizona from Ricks, spent a couple of nights with us.  We took her to the airport on Friday and she traveled on home to Arizona. We have sure enjoyed having the family visits we've had this summer.

Our normal schedule is to work at the Family History Library Monday through Friday 7:30 - 4:00 pm.  However, once a month we work on Saturday and when we do, we have Friday off.  It seems there are fewer missionaries at the library on Saturdays so we stay busier helping patrons so we really enjoyed our day there yesterday.

Our cultural events for the week included Clive Romney & Willingly which was dubbed as "Original folk music, cowboy poetry, and storytelling of Utah's best pioneer sagas." We heard some really great stories about some of the early day pioneers and the music was fun. (Mr. Romney said they were called Willingly because they are willing to join him for concerts!)

Clive Romney & Willingly with audience participation "playing" the farm tools for instruments.

Saturday night we attended a concert in the Assembly Hall performed by a combined choir of a number of the institutes around Salt Lake. They did a number of patriotic songs as well some of my favorites including, "Savior, Redeemer of My Soul" and "God of our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand."
Salt Lake Valley Combined Institutes of Religion Choir

Portrait done for us by Sister Giles
One of the missionaries who serves with with us in the British Zone is Sister Dorothy Giles who is a very good artist.  She very kindly took our mission picture and made a portrait for us. This week we'll go on a hunt for an appropriate frame.

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