Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 4th and a Visit From the Cox Family

Trish and Scott with their son Jaxon
One of our Nephews, Scott Sherwood, and his wife Trish and son, Jaxon, came by to visit us on Wednesday and took us out to eat at a great Brazilian Restaurant. The lunch was FANTASTIC. For those of you who haven't experienced Brazilian dining, you may want to try it. As they dropped us off and drove away I realized I had forgotten to get a picture so had to get one off Facebook.  Thanks Scott and Trish for a great visit and some yummy food to boot.

What a GREAT week celebrating the 4th of July and the Independence of our country.  The best part of all was having our children come from Arizona. Our Cox family arrived on the 4th dressed in their celebration attire and we have enjoyed getting to visit with them.  We have had several good rains along with some cooler weather which has been so very nice especially for our Arizona visitors.
YEAH the Cox family arrived!
We started with a trip to the Spaghetti Factory with all of them and enjoyed eating in the Trolley Car. Jennifer can remember eating there with Byde when they made a trip to Utah in about 1982.
Reviving an old memory in the Trolley Car
The whole group after dinner
After dinner we went for a walk on Temple Square and enjoyed the delightfully cool evening (it had rained earlier in the day).  We shot several pics there of the children and Jaylee even joined in with us even though she is far away serving in the Michigan Lansing mission.

Jerah, (Jaylee) Jamen, and Jori
Grandma, Jerah, (Jaylee), Jamen, Jori, and Papa
Jamen, (Jaylee), Jori, and Jerah. (Jamen has a mission call to Chihuahua, Mexico. He reports in November.)

(Jaylee), Jori, and Jerah
We didn't have to work on the 4th so for the first time since we've been here I spent a good deal of time working on a quilt and coerced Byde to help me with the ironing detail.  I got up and went for a walk on Temple Square about 6:30 am and there was not another soul in sight! I decided to take a "tour" for you in pictures even though I'm sure you've seen many of these before. Please notice the lack of anyone on Temple Square - I mean for the first 15 minutes I was there I didn't see another soul; I had it all to myself and it was delightful!!!


All the above Temple Square Pictures were taken July 4, 2013
Missionary activities were concluded by me teaching my first inservice class on the British Floor.  The class was all about Tree Connect which you can get to by typing in and then dragging the tool to your Bookmark toolbar.  Once you have it there it will help you with all your sourcing in the Family Tree.  It is simple to use! Install it and love doing your sourcing on "The Tree."

The pictures below were taken at our apartment after the Tabernacle Choir Broadcast on Sunday.

Jennifer & Jeff Cox (Jennifer is our oldest)
Cox Cousins (Jaylee in the background)
We were able to fit quite a few into our small space!

1 comment:

  1. Was glad I bumped into Elder and Sister Fuller in the basement of the Family History Center...thought I would find them there. Pam was very helpful to me in her role as family history missionary. You can see a sparkle in their eyes and know how much they are loving their experiences.

    Am glad I was able to connect with their blog. It has a great story line and I enjoy all the PICTURES and the flower ones, too.
